Flight Regulations



Atlantic Flying Club, Inc.

P.O. Box 15778

Fernandina Beach, Florida 32035


Since 1970




Revised April 2016






            Throughout this document the pronouns "he" and "his" are used to refer to a pilot and are not to be considered gender specific.








Historical Note:


            The first flight of the Atlantic Flying Club was on June 2, 1970, in a Cessna 150 purchased for $3,300.  The Flight Regulations were first published in May 1970 and revised several times since.












Atlantic Flying Club, Inc.


Flight Regulations





Section                                                                                                          Page #


I                       Reservations, Scheduling & Use of Time                                   4


II                      Logging and Reporting Time                                                        5


III                     Aircraft Inspections and Maintenance                                          6                     


IV                    General Rules of the Aircraft Operations                                     6


V                     Prohibited Types of Flying                                                             7


VI                    Restriction of Use of Aircraft                                                          8


VII                   Flight Minimums                                                                              9         


VIII                  Flying Skills                                                                                      9


IX                    Check Out Requirements                                                              10


X                     Cross-Country Flight Rules                                                           10       


XI                    Enforcement                                                                                    11


XII                   Changes of Amendments                                                              11


                        Appendix "The Safe Pilot's 12 Golden Rules"                            12


Safety Note:

Insurance statistics show that 90% of all aircraft accidents caused by unsafe acts on the part of the pilot - and that 93% of these accidents result from a violation of one or more of the 12 Golden Rules.


Atlantic Flying Club, Inc


Flight Regulations




Section I:      Reservation, Scheduling, and the Use of Time


1)         Members who have the aircraft scheduled and who are tardy thirty (30) minutes, or have not cancelled or rescheduled through Schedule Master may lose their reservation to any member waiting to fly.


2)         It should be thoroughly understood that the proper use of the reservation features provided is the key to a successful cooperative operation, maximum use of the aircraft, and maximum utility for all of the members.


3)         By your reservation you are declaring to the other members that the aircraft is assigned to your custody for the period reserved.  Therefore, you should be careful to follow these rules.


a)               Reserve precisely the time you want.  Do not schedule the aircraft for all day unless you intend on flying the aircraft all day or will be away from the local area for the day.


b)         Each member must indicate his destination when he departs from the local area.  This information must be recorded in the appropriate field in ScheduleMaster.


c)         Cancel your reservations as soon as possible if you are unable to keep the reservation, whether for weather or for other reasons.  Do not assume that in inclement weather the aircraft will not be needed.   Adjust your reservation if you find your flight will be delayed in leaving.  Cancel any remaining time from your schedule if you return early.


d)        Failure to cancel an aircraft when scheduled and not flown subjects the member to the following fine:


e)            No member shall fly a club aircraft without having reserved time for the flight through Schedule Master.  The reservation may be made by telephone (1-800-414-6114) or via https://my.schedulemaster.com/default.asp


f)             All members must terminate their flight - local and cross-country - on schedule (by the clock) if other members are waiting to fly or have reserved time immediately following.  This rule applies regardless of how late a member was in the beginning his period of reserved flight.


g)            Offenders of this regulation may be fined by the Board of Directors commensurate with the length of time the offender overstayed his reservation.


h)           Contact the Flight Operations Officer (or, if unable, the President or other officer) if you are delayed and cannot return on schedule.  This officer will, in turn, notify the next person(s) on the schedule of the delay.  All delays should be reported promptly to prevent any undue anxiety, investigation, search, and rescheduling of aircraft.


i)          Contact the Flight Operations Officer for assistance if you feel a reservation re-arrangement can solve a particular reservation problem.


j)         Inactive members cannot schedule or operate Club aircraft.




Section II:                 Logging and Reporting Flight Time


1)         Flying time shall be computed for each flight with the aid of a recording tachometer.  The duration of each flight shall be computed from starting the engine until the engine is stopped after parking.


2)         Use of Aircraft Flight Time Log:


a)         This booklet will be kept in the aircraft, and have space for the following information: Date, N number, Name, Tach start & stop time, and servicing remarks.


b)         Before starting engine the pilot-in-command will enter the date, his or her name, and the tach start time.


c)         Check the "Remarks" for the previous flight or two to see if any discrepancies have been recently reported.  Be sure to check the previous pilot's "Tach Stop" time to make sure it agrees with your "Tach Start" time.  If there is a discrepancy note it in the "remarks" so you will not be charged for the missing tach time.


 d)        Upon stopping the engine at completion of the flight, the tach reading will be entered in the space provided.  Subtracting the "Tach Start" reading for the "Tach Stop" reading will give the "Time Flown".


 e)        Any aircraft deficiency should be notedand communicated to a Board Member.




Section III:                Aircraft Inspections and Maintenance


1)         There shall be a line (visual) inspection performed before each flight by the pilot making such flight.  Any defects found in the plane's structure or accessories shall be reported to the Maintenance Officer immediately (or, if not available, to the Flight Operations Officer) and no flight shall be made if such defect may endanger the safe operation of the aircraft.


2)         Prior to each flight the pilot shall check the fuel and oil quantities visually and by the gauges.


3)         After each flight the pilot is responsible to see that the aircraft is serviced with fuel, and oil is on the recommended level, so that the plane will be ready for the next flight.  The aircraft shall be cleaned, at minimum the leading edges, cowling, windscreen & windows, and interior carpet.


4)         Check fuel caps for security after refueling; NEVER refuel an aircraft in the rain unless protection is used to keep water out of the fuel tank.


5)        Aircraft left without a pilot must be tied down, the wheels chocked if chocks are available, the master switch off, and the controls locked.


6)         If the aircraft is assigned a particular hanger, it will be stored inside the hanger after each flight.  If the pilot is scheduled for a local day flight the hanger door can be left opened and unsecured during the day of the flight.  If the flight is overnight the hanger door will be closed and locked.


7)         No member shall be permitted to attach any object to the plane or in any manner make adjustments or repairs unless approved by the Aircraft Maintenance Officer.


8)         An annual inspection shall be performed as required by FAA regulations.




Section IV:                General Rules of Aircraft Operation


1)         Each member is responsible for a complete pre-flight check of his or her aircraft.  Squawks should be reported to the Maintenance Officer, (or if unavailable, to the Flight Operations Officer) as soon as possible and, if sufficiently serious, the member should take all necessary precautions to ground the aircraft until the squawk is cleared.  In such case a "grounded" sign will be hung on the pilot's yoke and the problem noted in the Flight Log Book.


2)         It is the responsibility of each member to know the authorized loading limits and requirements of each aircraft in which he acts as PIC.


3)        Aircraft check-lists shall be used by all pilots for starting engines, before takeoff, before landing, and before engine shutdown.


4)         The Club will maintain a current Jacksonville sectional chart in the aircraft as a convenience to the members; however, it is the pilot's responsibility to ensure current charts and all other required documents are carried for the area of operation.


5)         All flights over 50 nautical miles from the point of departure should be made on a flight plan filed with Flight Service.  Pilots are encouraged to report their position every 30-60 minutes along their route.  Flight Following service is recommended.


6)         Only aircraft certified in Acrobatic Category may be used for acrobatic maneuvers.


7)         The "12 Golden Rules" for safe aircraft operations on the ground and in the air shall be observed by all pilots in the Club.  These rules are the results of analyzing thousands of aircraft accidents by the Flight Safety Department of the National Aviation Underwriters.  A copy is appended to these flight regulations.



Section V:                 Prohibited Types of Flying


1)         All flying in any club aircraft is to be done in strict accordance with existing Federal Aviation Regulations, and State, Local, and the Atlantic Flying Club Regulations.


2)         Off-airport landings are not permitted, except in case of an emergency.  Members shall make landings only on paved runways. Landings on grass runways are allowed only when training with a certificated instructor, or with prior approval from the club Flight Safety Officer.


3)         No member shall land or take-off from an unlighted field during the hours of darkness except under emergency conditions.


4)          Violations are subject to a fine to be set in each individual case by the Board.  The cost of any repairs or replacement not covered by insurance which is a result of damage incurred by taking off or landing at an area other than an approved field shall be paid for in full by the member in charge of the aircraft.  NOTE:  For damage other than the above, see Article XIV, Sections 2-5 of the Club's By-Laws.


5)         There shall be no formation flying of the Club aircraft with each other or any other aircraft.


Section VI:                Restrictions on Use of Aircraft


1)        No flight (cross-country or local) shall be made without noting in ScheduleMaster the name of the pilot-in-command, the period for which the pilot expects to have the aircraft, and the destination city/airport (use full name of airport, not alphanumeric identifiers).


2)         It is the responsibility of each member to see that his medical certificate and pilot certificate are at all times current and carried on his person for each flight.  No person may fly a Club plane unless these requirements are met.


 3)        All flights are to be made within the limits of the FAA certificate of the member piloting the Club aircraft.


4)         Only Active members shall fly Club aircraft, except that qualified maintenance personnel making necessary test flights shall be permitted by any Club member to fly any Club aircraft.


5)         No member shall use the Club aircraft for hire nor shall he rent or lend the Club aircraft to any other person.


6)         Club aircraft shall not be used by any member for commercial operation or for personal gain.  No member may offer transportation to a non-member for a profit.


7)         A member may accept an offer to share the costs of a flight made for a common interest.  Particular care must be taken that it cannot in any way be construed as a charter operation.  A member may use Club aircraft for personal transportation, for pleasure, in his business, or for his employer.


8)         No member shall use any Club aircraft while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Nor shall any pilot-in-command of Club aircraft permit any of his passengers to use alcoholic beverages of any kind during flight.  Determination as to whether the member was under such influence or not, or whether or not he violated either of these rules, shall be made by the Board and their decision shall be final.  Any member found guilty of a violation of this section shall be expelled from the membership in this club.


9)         FAA Flight Plans (VFR or IFR) are recommended for all cross-country flights.  See SECTION IV, par. 5 above.


10)      No flights are permitted outside the continental United States, unless approved in writing by the Board of Directors.  Requests for such flights must be made in time to allow the board to review and approve them and to arrange for insurance coverage.  All expenses involved in approving and conducting such a flight must be borne by the requesting member.


11)      Only Active club members may act as pilot-in-command of the Club aircraft.


12)      Under no circumstances may a member instruct another member in the Club aircraft unless he is qualified flight instructor.


13)      No member shall give flight instruction in the Club aircraft to a non-member though the Club member holds a flight instructor's rating.


14)      No Student Pilot shall receive flight instruction in a Club aircraft from any flight instructor except those designated and approved as flight instructors by the Board of Directors.


15)      Club aircraft shall not be used by any member in a careless, reckless, negligent, or otherwise unsafe manner, or in any way that would tend to bring discredit upon this Club or upon any of its members.




Section VII:               Flight Minimums


1)         Each member is urged to fly at least twelve (12) hours per year to maintain a minimum level of proficiency.


2)        On cross-country flights a member shall be charged a minimum of two (2) hours per day for each day the aircraft is in the member's possession.  For instance:  If a member keeps the aircraft overnight for three (3) nights, he is expected to put six (6) hours of flying time on the aircraft.


3)         Flights of less than three-tenths of an hour are discouraged because of excessive wear and tear on engine, electrical system, tires, and brakes.             




Section VIII:              Flying Skills


1)         Each member joining the Atlantic Flying Club shall be instructed and checked out thoroughly prior to flying each make and model of the Club aircraft.  This can be accomplished by evaluation by a Club-designated CFI through interview, logbook review, and actual flight.


2)         Student pilots must be rechecked by a club instructor every ninety (90) days before flying solo.  Depending on the proficiency of the student pilot, this period may be reduced at the discretion of the Operations Officer or the student's designated flight instructor.  Lapses in flight activity of more than 30 days require a logbook endorsement by a flight instructor.




Section IX:                Check-Out Requirements


1)            The following items will be checked during Pilot Proficiency & Local Check-Out:


a)    Aircraft & Engine pre-flight inspection

b)    Cockpit familiarization

c)    Use of checklists

d)    Control familiarization & coordination

e)    Slow flight, with and without flaps

f)     Stalls series:  w & w/o flaps, w & w/o power, take off & departure, approach and landing w & w/o flaps and accelerated maneuver.

g)    Steep turns

h)   Takeoffs and landings:  Normal w & w/o flaps, short-field, soft-field, crosswind, and simulated high-altitude takeoffs.

i)     Balked landing:  Go-around for a full flap configuration

j)      Simulated forced landing over the airport

k)    Slips on landing approach if permitted by POH

l)     Demonstration of adequate knowledge of all aircraft systems, of all communications and radio navigation equipment, and procedures.




Section X:                 Cross-Country Flights Rules


1)         Oil and gas levels must be checked at each stop.  This also applies to local flights.  Use correct oil and fuel grades as given in the aircraft Owner's Manual (or POH) or approved Flight Manual.  Do not use auto fuels.


2)         In the event of a maintenance discrepancy while away from Fernandina Beach, repair or have repaired all items affecting safety of flight.  Contact the Maintenance Officer (or, if not available, some other Club Officer/Director) before arranging for any repairs over one hundred ($100.00) dollars.  For amounts less than this, the member may do so in his own name, and after presentation of a properly receipted bill for such sales and/or services, and after the bill has been approved by the Treasurer, said member shall be given credit.


3)         Secure inside storage whenever possible to preclude storm damage.  If aircraft must be stored outside, be sure it is tied down securely and controls are locked.  The safety of the aircraft is your sole responsibility while the aircraft is in your possession.


4)         Lock the aircraft when unattended. 


5)         Storage, tie-down fees, and landing fees, incurred by a member away from the Club's home airport are the responsibility of the member and shall be paid for by the member.

6)         Whenever an aircraft is left standing during windy conditions (blowing dust, sand, snow, etc.), it is the full responsibility of the member to clean or have cleaned the AIR INTAKE SCREEN to the carburetor and overall engine, before starting the engine.


7)         Any member who flies in or out of a dirt, gravel, rock surface, sod, or grass airport will be held fully responsible for all damage to the aircraft, such as propeller damage, paint nicks, dents to metal surfaces, etc.  This is also applies to taxiing, starting engine, run-up, etc., when a taxiway or tie-down area is not paved.  Use the tow bar in the aircraft when necessary to avoid propeller strike on the uneven terrain.


9)         Keep aircraft exterior and interior clean.  The next member to use the aircraft will appreciate it.  Remember; ALWAYS leave the plane "ready to fly for the next guy".


10)      Upon return, refuel and clean the aircraft per Section 3, item 3.




Section XI:                Enforcement


1)         The above regulations and rules shall be policed by the entire membership.  All complaints and any suggestions shall be filed with the President and he shall call a meeting of the Board, at which meeting appropriate action will be taken.


2)         Any violation of the FAA Regulations or the Flying Regulations of the Club shall constitute cause for immediate grounding, and any member so grounded shall remain grounded until further action is taken by the Board of Directors.




Section XII:               Changes and Amendments


1)         Changes in, or amendments to these Flying Regulations may be effected only by the majority vote of the Board of Directors at the regular or special meeting called for the purpose.


2)         Any changes or amendments to these Flying Regulations shall be mailed or emailed to each Active member of the Club.  Inactive or Suspended members will be issued such changes or amendments upon their return to Active Status.


3)         These operating rules and regulations are designed to aid in the systematic and equitable utilization of Club aircraft.  They are also designed to help each member have many enjoyable and safe hours of flying.


4)         These operating rules are formulated by the club's Board of Directors as provided in the By-laws and will remain in effect until revised rules are published.




The 12 Golden Rules of Aviation

Rule one has to do with us, the pilot-in-command. When was the last time you flew with an instructor? Was it two years ago during your last flight review? Think about getting a good evaluation by a qualified instructor, not just any instructor, but one that is familiar with your airplane type. Practice some maneuvers you haven't looked at in awhile, such maneuvers as stalls, steep turns, and slow flight. Make a concentrated effort in practicing crosswind and short-field landings. Review emergency procedures and especially a simulated forced landing. Remember the rumors about our airplanes: they glide like bricks, right!

Rule number two has to do with our airplane. When was the last time it flew? We would want to do a real thorough preflight inspection looking for problem areas. If the temperature is right, wash the airplane. It forces you to look real closely over the entire airplane. You would be surprised what you could find missing or bent.

The third rule requires us to be vigilant. Always, whether taxiing or flying, do a double look checking for existing or potential hazards.

Rule four tells us never to operate an airplane with a known malfunction. If a malfunction occurs in flight, land as soon as practical and get it repaired. Remember the old axiom "it is better to wish I was up there flying than to be up there wishing I was on the ground".

The fifth rule states that we should get a thorough preflight weather briefing before we go fly. Establish your own weather minimums. Remember the regulations are written to a "minimum" level of safety. What may be legal VFR may not necessarily be safe for our level of experience or proficiency.

Rule six states "airspeed" is life. Never abruptly change the attitude of an airplane nor allow its airspeed to drop below at least 160 percent of the stall speed when maneuvering below 1000 feet above the ground. On final approach, we should maintain our airspeed at least 130 percent of stall until over the threshold and ready to touch down.

Rule seven has to do with navigation planning. Make sure you know the minimum safe altitude along your route of flight. Always try to plan a route so that you would have a chance of walking out of a forced landing area if you go down. Have current charts for the route you are flying. The earth might not change much but airspace and frequencies do.

Rule eight states, be sure the runway length is equal to airplane manufacturer's published takeoff or landing distance. A safety margin of plus 80 percent of the published distance should be used for hard surface, double the manual distance if sod, and triple the manual distance if wet grass.

Rule nine addresses takeoff and landing limits. Abort your takeoff if not solidly airborne in the first one-half of runway. Always, when safe, plan to touchdown 200 feet inside of runway threshold. Abort your landing if not solidly on the first one-third of the runway. Never quit flying until the engine is shut down and the chocks are in place.

Rule ten has to do with wind limits. Never attempt taxiing when crosswinds or gusts exceed 50 percent of stall speed unless outside assistance is used. It is suggested never to attempt takeoff or landing when 90 degree surface crosswinds exceed 20 percent of stall speed. This would equate to about 10 mph. We know that the demonstrated maximum crosswind component is a recommended limitation and that we have landed or taken off in more than 10 mph. The airplane is probably more capable than our own abilities and proficiency. The key word is "proficiency". Always plan ahead and be ready for the unexpected. Never taxi closer than 1000 feet from the "blast" end of a large or turbojet aircraft.

The eleventh rule has to do with our physical condition as pilots. Never attempt to fly if less than eight hours have elapsed since drinking alcoholic beverages. More important is that the residual effects are gone. Do not fly if you are extremely fatigued or emotionally upset.

Rule number twelve has to do with starting the engine. Never attempt to hand start an airplane unless a qualified person is at the controls. Even then, be very careful and completely brief all persons involved with the starting procedures.

These rules were developed from insurance company files on aircraft accidents. They are only guidelines. Good judgment and proficiency are our best insurances for a safe flight. These 'rules' were from an out-of-print FAA pamphlet FAA-P-8740-7, The Safe Pilot's 12 Golden Rules.

The End